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Showing posts from November, 2018

Breaking 4 - Preparation

It’s an unimaginative title. But after the last year's touch and go, completing marathon in 4 hours had become my single focus of running. I registered early and came up with a training plan based on Hal Higdon's intermediate plan spread over 16 weeks. Total mileage was 725 kms over the 4 months. My plan was to run Tempo on Tuesdays , Intervals on Thursdays, LSD Saturdays and Sundays was Fartlek as our WRC coach Hari decided at Cubbon park. Week days had to accommodate my long travel to office and work hours. Plan was to hit 55-60 Kms/week for last 5 weeks I had focused on Bengaluru 10k challenge, so my max distance was around 12k when I started on 8-July. Spirit of Wipro run half marathon on 25-Sep was part of my plan. Started on 8 July, the first 4 weeks went according to the plan. Waking up early on Tuesdays and Thursdays affected my sleep pattern, so was waking too early and falling asleep towards dawn. My week mileage was getting affected. But I was making up during Sa